
Throughout this course I have learnt many different strategies while writing for my three major projects. I have developed strategies for reading, drafting, collaborating, revising, and editing. Along with these strategies I have also practiced my systematic application of citation conventions. Lastly I have also engaged in many collaborative and social aspects of my writing processes.


When going through all of my papers I have written for this class I have noticed how I improved on my reading, drafting, collaborating, revising, and editing skills. For my reading skills when reading through each of my sources I have gotten better at picking out citations I can use for my papers. For my drafting skills I have gotten better at planning out what I am going to write about by making lists of what I am going to do and put into my writing. Throughout my writings after my first paper I have been looking back into my writings to edit and revise my papers, editing my grammar as well as revising what I want to say in my paper.


In my first paper I had forgotten my citations and wanted to improve on how I cite my works that I have used in my paper, so when going into my second paper a research paper I wanted to use all the citations that I can as well as put down what I have used in my paper. When citing any pieces of work no matter where I found the work I did my best to cite the work in MLA format. With this improvement for future papers I will write I can cite all what I need much easier.


When writing my papers I have interacted with the professor for further writing tips and also what more should add to my papers. As well as interacting with my professor I was able to have multiple peer reviews on my topics for each essay.  When getting peer reviewed I was able to interact with my peers and talk about how I can improve on my concepts and improve on writings that I will write out. With all this this also has me interact more with my peers which I view as it helped me improve on how I can view things in my writing, improving on how I can look at my concepts in a different light. As well as help me be able to talk to others around me about my essay to come to a better written essay.